strawberry !

strawberry !
not me

piątek, 7 maja 2010

cocktail strawberry !

Today I am writting for us recipe to cocktail strawberry .

Components :

0,5 kg strawberry
0,5 l natural yogurt 0%
3 big spoons of sugar

1. You must put yogurt and strawberries into a big pot. Next you need add 3 big spoons of sugar.

2. You have to mix yogurt, strawberries and sugar with blender.

3. Finnaly, you should pour into a glass.


The most beautiful citites in the world !

In this cities views are so pretty...Each of them has more beautiful places and own chars..


Cambridge in UK has most amazing places, narrow streets, green parks and more more more....


Paris in the France.... What I can tell about Paris ?? Paris has most beautiful places.... Eiffla tower... French ulala... ;]  

Tokio is famous for 50 storey buildings, 50 storey buildings and modern equipment...


Sydney is in the Australiia...Sydney has more amazing landscapes. There is so hot, year-round. 


Florence has gothic architecture. There are cafes and surrounded by beautiful buildings. So beautiful squares, you will not find anywhere else in the world.


Venice is a country on the water, has rich history and is called - Disneyland for adults.

I think this cities, all beautiful and amazing, but Warsaw, London and Chicago should be included in this list. :)