strawberry !

strawberry !
not me

piątek, 30 kwietnia 2010

Roast Bananas

4 person

55 g of pressed coconut pulp, chopped

150 ml carem ( 36 % )

4 bananas

Juice and crust with 1 lime

1 table-spoon vegetable oil

50 g coconut chips


1. In little pot put cream and pressed coconut pulp. Warm up to dissolve coconut pulp. Later take off with faire and discontinued on 10 minutes. Beat until cream be density.

2. Peal bananas later mix up with juice and crust lime. Pour on the grill vegetable oil and grill on them banana, turn over at 2-3 minutes, until banana become brown and soft.

3. In aluminum foil roast coconut until lightly brown. Bananas given with coconut chips and coconut pulp.

Today I will go to my friend Alice ( ) because, my friend Juli ( ) will go to her and Juli has a brithday !!!
In Alice will be : Pola, Lukas, Agnes, ME, Patric ( maybe ) and Juli !

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