strawberry !

strawberry !
not me

piątek, 28 maja 2010

Ice - Cream !

Today I writtening recipes to Ice - Cream.


1 knob chocolate ice-cream
1 knob nuts ice-cream
1 knob vanilla ice-cream
chocolate sauce
whipped cream
wafer tube 

Scoops of ice cream to decorate walnuts, chocoloate sauce, whipped cream, wafer tobe but chocolate sauce pour at the end.


3 knob ice cream
whipped cream
strawberry glazing

First give 1 knob ice cream, then strawberry, yogurt, ice cream, strawberry and glazing.


Green sql - The Last Day

The last day was the best !!!
I woke up at 7:00 and I went to breakfast. This Day was diffrent, everything was in the hotel ot near hotel so we didn't go anywhere. On first I went to Paintball ! My friends didn't want go, so let regret...
I was in "Sados group" with Camil, Ewa, Kuba and.... I forget... I had 2 "headshot", my head was yellow ;]
After panitball we went to "first aid", it was very boring, but then we went to......"line Park" !
It was GREAT ! On first was terrible when I went to tires but after was great, I felt adrenalin !
After this was dinner, dinner was middling. Then we went to "Team Buildings" .... nooooooooo,
It was awfully, The class 5 and 6a musted carry water in cups of various obstacles.
After "team buildings" we went to "sense of direction", it was normal, but then we went to the sail !
I was in the sail with Pola, Maggie, Julia, Alice, Patric and Mr. whose steered and taught us how to do it.
It was very fun and crazy ! This day Pola had birthday ! Our Class made her surprise !
It was so amazing... and we plaied "in bottle" ;]

Green sql - Second Day

In second day I woke up at 6:40. On first we drove to " small ZOO ". In this place was deer, donkeys, squirrels, wolves, moose, owl and more.... We passed by ladders, because animals can't escape.
Animals were so sweet but some terrible.Then we went to rafting boat. It was cold. On the boat was boring but Me, Pola. Maggie, Alice, Jullia, Patric, Lukas, Camil and Our Teacher talked so "killed boring" .
After boat we went to dinner in our hotel. Dinner was ok but yeasterday was better.
Then we musted drove visited city where we were. This City is ok but Warsaw better.
At 18:10 we went to some old buildings where there was a war or something.... It was boring.
At 19:56 we were in a hotel..... YES ! Of course we plaied " in bottle" ;]

Green sql - First Day

I was in green sql in 24 th - 28 th. On Tuesday I woke up at 6:00 but breakfast at 8:00, so I thought I washed. This day we went to hitler' s catacombs. It was boring and I wanted to go on pee break XD
Then we went to church.... and listened Bach ( unless ;] ) My friend sleep on them :D hihi ! But I wanted too.
After church we went to the shop, of course to Grocery . I bought..... I didn't forget.
Unfortunately after this we went to house do the twentieth century. On the dinner we had ground pork, potatoes and soup. It was good ! Evening I and my class plaied " in bouttle " It was fun.... very fun ;]

niedziela, 23 maja 2010

The best 11 place in Europe on the summer

Cracow in Poland ! - the rich night life and very good price. Beautiful and interesting city in the Europe !

Santorini in Greece ! – Pretty , pretty, pretty …. Him white cliff in the small mountain . White, red or black beach for lazy .

Monte Carlo in Monako - once on the name of the city come associations : money , luxury, fame, luksu…..

Saint - malo in France - small port city with beautiful beach. Him old city attracts tourists.

Krumlov in Czech – him amazing old city, big castle, color of the tower is a symbol of this city.

Ruction in Spain - The romantic, beautiful and the most historic place in Europe !

Stockholm in Sweden - modern , serious, elegant, open to all .

Skagen in Denmark - it is seaside resort …. White hot sand, wonderful blue sea, nice rock ;}

Mykonos in Greece – White old buildings at hot amazing sea… picturesque Island.

Siena in Itlay – The gothic building attract tourists . If you want relax after the crowds in Florence, You can !

Berlin in Germany – Modern, elegant, politic and night live in Europe…. Shines places and cultural center



sobota, 22 maja 2010

"Bride Wars"

haha ! it's amazing movie, where you can laugh ! The movie advocates about best friends, who are dreaming about the same - weddingin plaza hotel ! 2 friends quarrel ...
You must see this movie ! It s realy crazy !
Now in Canal+ ( 20:00 - 21:35 )
Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway !
This is war !!!


piątek, 21 maja 2010

OMG !!!

Today in my school was "contest French and German songs " I and my french class we participated in it....
It was terrible ! I don't want tell about it... hehe... Today I will go to my plot. Sorry but on Saturday I can't will write post... On Sunday I will write 2 post ;] and on Monday I will go to green sql ! yes yes yes !
Ok, bye bye :)

czwartek, 20 maja 2010

Wave in Warsaw

Today I thinging about Warsaw.... Big wave that goes from the mountains, was in the Cracow, but now in warsaw.... Our ZOO is threating, people building shafts now. Tommorow at 9 AM  will the climax of a wave.    Let's hope that everything was well over good !

The Warsaw
                                                                                          I LOVE PL <3                 Caroline

środa, 19 maja 2010

swimming competition !

Today in my school was swimming competition. On first I was scared, if I bad swim.....
But was OK ! I was 2 in my group ;] The first was Magda ( ) !

congratulations ! WOOOO ! My time was ok it was 43 seconds ;p but for good this time was hopples ! ;}


Nicholas Sparks !

Today about writer Nicholas Sparks. Modern usa writer wrote many books, most of them was bestseller.
Heart book readers captivated "Notebook" ( 1997). More - " Nights in Rodanthe", " The Guardian" ,
"The wedding" , "True Believer" . " Lucky" , "Choice" , "At first Sight" , "The Lucky One" , " Message in a bottle".... and more....
The book " Dear John" ( Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum ) I read . It was realy amazing ! But movie was so boring. I am reading now
"The last song" . In the cinema is "the last song" ( Miley Cyrus )

The Best bestsellers was :


poniedziałek, 17 maja 2010

school / school trip

today I was in the school but at 12 PM I and my class went to trip. We were in theatre on " cartoons robot"   . The presentation was normal, wasn't fun and wasn't bad. in wensday I will go on school swimming competition..... NOOO PLS !
xoxoxox or H&K XD

niedziela, 16 maja 2010

Fun Day !

Today I was in my plot. We lives on this plot with diffrent person ! Today were : my moter, my father, my sister, uncle, aunt and my friends. Me and my family, lives in the trailer. We had worked but I didn't work, I plaied with my friends. When we returned to home, was rained. Rained, rained, reined !!!
Today I will go with my class  on excursions.

sobota, 15 maja 2010

Good day !

Today I was in my grandfather birthday. There were my 3 aunt, 2 uncle, my mom, my cousin and my little sister... my dad was in the plot. My grandfather end of ......... years old ;]
It was grill. I and my cousin plaied billiards. I was defeat ;p ! Then we plaied in basketball. I don't know, I am won but my cosuin was offended ;]] See you !

piątek, 14 maja 2010

Soufflé cappuccino

Components :

For 6 person

6 tablespoons heavy cream

2 spoons coffee dissolved

2 spoons Kahlua liqueur

2 spoons sugar

3 big egg, separated and 1protein

150 g chocolate, melted and cooled


Recipe :

1 in the small pot heat up yoghurt. Pour coffee and mix, then add the liqueur. add mass to 6 vessels.

2 In the clean bowl beat proteins, until they will stiff and add sugar.

In the different bowl mix yolk with chocolate and add protein foam.

3 The mixture separate to vessels with coffee yoghurt. You must cook 15 minutes ( 190 C ) You can add cacao on the suffle .


czwartek, 13 maja 2010

School.... again !

Today I was in the school. It was boring... You know ? ;] boring, boring, boring, boring.....
I am tireing my homework of maths.... It is difficult ! 2moro I will write recip on dessert !
Bye bye

środa, 12 maja 2010

Most expensive toy in the world !

Today I was in the school, and I am boring .....  But I writting about most expensive toy in the world now.

The most expensive toy is small car. The car is blown up almost three thousand eighteen diamonds.
The car taste 140.000 $.
The best in the sandpit ;]


wtorek, 11 maja 2010


Today I was in the school, how always was boring ;]
I had lessons, a ver very very very boring lessons but English was perfect ! ;]
Now... I eating chocolate and I am in internet.


poniedziałek, 10 maja 2010

"Little sweet kids" ?

Today I writtening about "Small sweet kids" , if  they be 30 years old, but they are so very sweet ! ;]

Suri Cruise is spoiled and She is 4 years old ! This child wears high heels, drinking coffe and she has on the face make-up ! Maybe this is fault parents ?



Noah Cyrus is little sister Miley Cyrus. Noah is 10 years ola, but she behaves, if she is 20 years old !
Noah wear very brave and outrageously.

  This kids are so cute, but they will never have a childhood !

niedziela, 9 maja 2010


Today was boring, first I was in grandmother and grandfather, I was boring ! But later I went with my uncle and brother, plaied football. Game was  boring too, but later I get back home. Now I writtening my blog, but later I will learn and play in "The Sims 2" ha ha ;]
Tomorrow I may write about the best movies. :}

sobota, 8 maja 2010

Amazing Day !

Today I was in cinema and go-cart. First I was in Alice s' house with Julia. We went to cinema city in Promenada with Patric and Lukas, we went to "kick-ass", movie was very fun ! Then we went to meadow, because Alice had taked phote us. Photos were beautiful ! But later I had get back home. Then I went to my cousin and we went to go-cart. It was great ! This was a very crazy fun ! ;] But now I must learn ....


piątek, 7 maja 2010

cocktail strawberry !

Today I am writting for us recipe to cocktail strawberry .

Components :

0,5 kg strawberry
0,5 l natural yogurt 0%
3 big spoons of sugar

1. You must put yogurt and strawberries into a big pot. Next you need add 3 big spoons of sugar.

2. You have to mix yogurt, strawberries and sugar with blender.

3. Finnaly, you should pour into a glass.


The most beautiful citites in the world !

In this cities views are so pretty...Each of them has more beautiful places and own chars..


Cambridge in UK has most amazing places, narrow streets, green parks and more more more....


Paris in the France.... What I can tell about Paris ?? Paris has most beautiful places.... Eiffla tower... French ulala... ;]  

Tokio is famous for 50 storey buildings, 50 storey buildings and modern equipment...


Sydney is in the Australiia...Sydney has more amazing landscapes. There is so hot, year-round. 


Florence has gothic architecture. There are cafes and surrounded by beautiful buildings. So beautiful squares, you will not find anywhere else in the world.


Venice is a country on the water, has rich history and is called - Disneyland for adults.

I think this cities, all beautiful and amazing, but Warsaw, London and Chicago should be included in this list. :)